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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

47,815 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Feb 18, 2021

This was really time-consuming but it was really worth learning. Although in the end, it seems to be very basic things, they would be essential through whatever you want to accomplish in the IT field.


Nov 8, 2020

Great overview of the technical aspects of networking that, once again, started from the very "I know nothing basics" and moved to more advanced topics at a rate that this beginner could keep up with.

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8326 - 8350 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Zack J

Jan 31, 2019

Please edit out the unnecessary/stupid 10 sec intro to EVERY video! In course 2, there are 89 videos. That's 890 seconds or 14.8 (basically 15 min) of pointless and meaningless time taken from the students! And that is just counting the videos from the second course!!! I'm not going to count how many videos are in all 5 courses of this program, but I'm assuming its in the hundreds. That's a lot of wasted time for a 10 second intro on every video!

And with some personal experience in video editing, I know that it really wouldn't take someone that long to go back and edit out the intros. I think someone could probably do it in a full work week (40 hrs) time.

I did enjoy this course a lot! This might be one of the most practical courses in this program. I probably experience a network issue at least once a day at my current IT support job.

By Calicia S

Oct 5, 2020

It is A LOT. So gear up. I had a history teacher who once told me that you cannot use one source for history because different people will have different perspectives and you need to learn most of them. for those who are complaining about the course being a waste, I say you didn't use other resources like Youtube to help. Google and Youtube are your friends people. this a college level course and simply put, you won't be spoon fed.

Listen to the vids, take your notes, watch youtube videos on the topics you aren't clear on, do not rush the process, and google definitions for words and phrases that aren't clear.

I am a novice. All of this is new. Don't feel frustrated. take you time and learn at your own pace.

ask questions when you need help. read the forum threads. they are a wealth of help and sometimes resources.

We can do this.

By Jaqi F

Oct 27, 2020

The course was extremely challenging because of the dense material. I appreciate that you broke it down as far as you did. My one critique is that the supplemental reading in the last couple modules were copies of the script from the video, with a link at the end. My constructive feedback would be that if you want to include the information from the previous video in the supplementary reading, maybe you could phrase it in a different way in order to give people another chance if they didn't quite grasp the concept the first way it's explained. Then you can include the links at the end for further study. Otherwise it feels like "the supplemental reading no longer matters to the program's creators, so why should it matter to me?" (I don't know if everyone would feel this way, but it's how I felt after it happened twice.)

By Kurt W K

Jan 22, 2023

Could use a lot more helpful ways of understanding subnet masks and how the CIDR notation is worked out. Other than that, very helpful ways of learning ie. through video learning and supplemental reading as well as readings after videos to go deeper into the topics discussed. Quizzes were helpful in understanding the general concepts, however I do believe the quizzes could be more interactive as some of them are. With more interactive learning, it becomes much easier to understand how these new topics can be applied because actively doing the things shows us how it would be working in networking or in whatever topic we are currently covering as opposed to multiple choice, where an educated guess can more times than not help arrive at the correct answers.

By Andrew G

Nov 8, 2022

Very informative. I enjoyed seeing into all the different protocols in detail. Before now the different networking models felt very inconclusive and confusing. Now I can tell you where a device falls into that model, the function of every layer, and what protocols are in place to keep it operating. I finally learned the infrastructure of how networking is organized. Before this course I could have easily told you about a DNS address and IPv4, but I couldn't tell you much of how it worked or why. This course took my surface level knowledge, and explained not only how we use it, but why. This course does an excellent job of building a foundational understanding of how the internet works, and what the future of technology is doing to improve it.

By Aaron H

Sep 18, 2019

I really want the routing game to be a practice tool in this course. Not just in the test. Also, I am sure anyone struggling with the IP test in the last part could use some practice on it also, but once I did a few it wasn't so bad. I still want to play the routing game that was in the second quiz and I can't find anything like it elsewhere.

I also don't like that some of the topics are skimmed over and quizzed in basics rather than more detail. Some of the physical and network link layers also blend together to me at this point sometimes, but I believe I have the basic understanding to pursue other certificates with this knowledge.

Overall, this was a very useful course that gave a better understanding of networking to me.

By Jason B

Mar 23, 2020

This course was very good, yet I feel it could be just a "touch" better.

What I mean is I personally would have liked a "bit" more lab work. The course was instructed very well and the few 1 question quiz labs you take throughout the course were great. I personally would like a few more hands on labs added to the course - maybe in a 3 step approach - Beginning, Middle, End - I feel it would keep you involved more visually and assist in just showing the common real life steps you will physically have to take when resolving networking issues as an IT Professional - Other then that, the course was AMAZING in the knowledge you gain and understanding of the true genius behind networking and the internet as a whole

By Carl E P J

Aug 24, 2020

I understand lectures are an important part of any learning. But I would like to see more lab type listens to enforce the knowledge we are learning. For instance, I listened to the videos concerning IPv6, and how to shorten them. But I did not truly understand it until I took the test, actually using the knowledge to shorten the addresses.

There are many items, such as the different packets and protocols, that could be better explained using some type of lab.

But I have increased my knowledge. I have a deeper understanding of networking now. I just feel that there are some areas that I know, but don't truly understand. A lab portion could make a difference in that.

By Stacy G

Jun 12, 2019

A very nice, digestible introduction to a 5-layer networking model!

Drills all the way down to the packet and media layer where bits travel as electrical signals, explaining switching, routing, DNS servers and other core networking infrastructure. Google presents things in a nice fashion, with good diagrams, analogies and explanation throughout. This course isn't a replacement for CCNA or whatever other massively deep networking certifications exist out there, but it'll give you a great foundation to understand and perhaps entice you to learn even more!

So far, my favourite course from the Google IT Support Certificate Specialisation here (I'm on the final one now).

By Courtney K

May 3, 2023

This course goes very in-depth about the computer network, such as it's infrastructure, both hardware and software, and the troubleshooting for the network. One will learn about how the different network and data layers work and interact with each other; some history of the evolution of various components of the protocols that run and control how everything interacts with each other; and understand how those protocols actually work. This course is very detailed, and might seem overwhelming in information, but it's explained clearly, there are additional readings and links to official sites, and the video provides good visualizations to help explain concepts.

By Dave C

Aug 30, 2018

This course I rated a little bit less than the previous course because I feel like a lot of this information is very helpful, although I feel there should be more in this section on just making sure the users understand fully what is being taught and introduced and how its used with maybe more VR machines like used in the previous course. I loved that I learned a bunch of valuable information I just feel like the 5 layer network really does stump some people. I suggest possibly in the future doing a drag and drop diagram for the 5 layer network as well to have a better understanding of it. :D This course was very information heavy but awesome to learn!! :D

By Awsaf G

May 17, 2020

To me this was a hard course to understand. Some of the Modules and assignments should have had various examples and practice questions before the test/quizzes. One thing I did not like is there was very little feedback why we are wrong and how to approach the problem. I'm lucky that I am studying for Network+ and my CCNA so this was not so bad. However I quit this course a few months back because the content was not enough in my opinion to pass some of the exams. I had to youtube and learn from many other sources to find the answer and even the instructor showed Youtube videos instead of finding the answer from the provided content by google.

By Greg C R

Apr 24, 2021

The course tests are not graded correctly, specifically, IPv6 address compression. Google grades differently to what they teach. And, they're wrong with the grades on IPv6 compression.

I figured out what Google did wrong with this IPv6 compression quiz. In the grading, they implemented rule 2 incorrectly. The rule states you can replace 2 or more hextets of all zeros with a double colon. Google replaces just one hextet with a double colon.

5d66:5ec9:0046:0000:2576:004f:7159:0639 (original)

5d66:5ec9:46:0:2576:4f:7159:639 (correct, but Google calls it wrong)

5d66:5ec9:46::2576:4f:7159:639 (incorrect, but Google calls it correct)

By Elax H

Feb 7, 2019

This course was very complicated and it's some very good material to learn. I do think it needs to be broken down further and more interactive. Most of it was just talking and telling definitions which for something like this makes it hard. In the beginning when there was the router and switch comparison to sending mail and how you receive it was fantastic! If more is done for other concepts like this, maybe using sport terms or doing something for the mail delivery again but in more depth, then maybe more will get the hang of it. It took me forever to pass due to it's difficulty and my limited time but I finally did it.

By Chace P

Jun 14, 2023

This course is very close to being a five star but I feel like the copious amounts of new words/acronyms to learn was ALOT! It would have been very nice to have been quizzed way more frequently on the new words especially since they were used throughout the course. I think overall adding more quizzes between the videos and at the end of the segment would have been very helpful in learning and retaining these words and concepts. It just felt like I was on a bullet train trying to learn and commit to memory all the billboards outside the train XD. Overall, if you get the core concepts down then you're definitely set :)

By albert v

Nov 30, 2021

It's a good course and learned enough information to get me by in a midocure conversation on this subject. Like every process of learning something new, it is a challenge and worth it. This could of just been me but the way the course is broken down is intense for someone who has no knoledge in this catergory. I had to put in extra hours looking up things and watching videos on other sites to understand what this couse was talking about in their short videos. In a nut shell they gave me a path to fallow and I liked the challenge, I just wish it was updated and had more resourses on the spot to help me understand.

By Carl S

Apr 3, 2022

Definitely a harder module than the first. Lots of new concepts. I would give it 5 starts but there were some breezy passages that warranted more explination, and maybe from a different present to make sure you got a diverse look at the topic. I'm looking specifically at subnetting, and the process of the three way handshake over networks. I had to go to external sources to bine up on these. There were some stinkers of questions in the quizes that had wording ambiguous or contrary to video content, but that is a given in even college coursework. Over all I learned a bunch and enjoyed the process. Onto the next.

By Steven G

May 25, 2020

This is really a step up, from module 1, however it is impossible to know and learn everything about networking. If people going on the will find that CompTIA or Cisco having a different approach to things, said this Google setting the baseline here, and people interested in this field should look for CompTIA Network + certificate, rather Cisco since it is vendor based and mostly you can see it as training for their own products than anything else, not every company has the money for the high end equipment. Therefore it is good to know the fundamental things disconnected from any specific branded soft/hardware.

By Wyatt M

Feb 23, 2020

There are a lot of wording errors in the class that i end up having to guess on the quizzes, tests, and projects. For instance in the class it states that you put "::" instead of having "consecutive groups of just zeros". Nothing about a single group of zero's. When it came to the project, there was a single group of a zeros and I was just talking out the leading zeros as per the first rule of shortening an IPv6 address, but after a few times of going back to the videos and making sure I am doing what they say, I try to just use the double colon and it worked. This only one instance, but they are all over.

By luis o

Jul 21, 2020

I really recommend this program to any age group person. thanks to this program I am nowt so intimidated when I see ERRORS pop up on my screen and I now feel capable fixing or trying it on my own, and that's good coming from a person that would go on panic mode when turn on the computer and I could not get on. And things words like bandwidth would not registrar in my head what it meant and how that impacts your hole process to operate smoothly or how to access your command prompt and all the features that are in it. Anyways, this program is absolutely worth the time and effort you will put in to it.

By Cristina d Q

May 10, 2020

This certificate was much more difficult for me. A lot of information to take in at once. The presentation format is the same as the other certificate I completed and do like the various ways the information is presented. I think with the information I need it to be with more examples and even broken done to more videos and slower. Some videos were 5 to 7 minutes long with lots of info. Even if I watched over and over again the information is presented in the same manner. I still enjoy what I am learning. I think it was this particular topic that was difficult for me to wrap my head around it.

By Benjamin P

Jan 19, 2021

The concepts introduced in this course are very complicated, particularly for those uninitiated in the technical aspects of the internet and computer networking. It was a very challenging course to understand, but very rewarding to complete. My one criticism would be that some of the lectures fell a bit flat on explaining these complex systems, and i usually resorted to accessing supplemental learning elsewhere in order to fill the gaps. Perhaps going forward instructors can implement the use of some graphics or even a dry-erase board to physically draw out and explain these complex ideas in detail.

By Thélesson d S

Jul 7, 2020

The course itself is good, but if you do not have prior knowledge, I believe that it will be difficult to understand many of the concepts covered. It has a very extensive content, with many theoretical classes that explain each layer in detail. I believe that many of the negative evaluations of this course are due to the extensive applied theory. It is useful to know each concept in detail, but in daily professional support, a practical approach can be more useful.

At least in relation to the course I took at the university, this course in theory went beyond the content of an entire semester.

By Kay L

Apr 8, 2021

Very technical course and packed with tons of concept about networking. The reason for 4 stars because I felt that concepts are introduced quite rushly. Resulting overwhelming of information, and students might only hear about a concept in a few lines before it jumps straight to the next concept. I understand the reason might be to pack some much info in a less than 10minutes video, but still it can put alot of people off as many of these concepts are very complex and it can be hard to get a grasp without a detailed explaination before rushing through to the next concept.

By Marshall H

Aug 16, 2019

I loved the course and learned a lot from it. I came into this thinking that I knew more than I did and I was blown away by how much information there is. However, I looked at it as an opportunity to learn more and absorb everything I can from the course. The only complaint I would have about this course and other courses within this certification program would be the tests and quizzes seem too easy. The final quiz at least should be a test you can take only once to really test the knowledge and add a little pressure to really sink the knowledge into your brain.