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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tools for Data Science by IBM

28,373 ratings

About the Course

In order to be successful in Data Science, you need to be skilled with using tools that Data Science professionals employ as part of their jobs. This course teaches you about the popular tools in Data Science and how to use them. You will become familiar with the Data Scientist’s tool kit which includes: Libraries & Packages, Data Sets, Machine Learning Models, Kernels, as well as the various Open source, commercial, Big Data and Cloud-based tools. Work with Jupyter Notebooks, JupyterLab, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, and Watson Studio. You will understand what each tool is used for, what programming languages they can execute, their features and limitations. This course gives plenty of hands-on experience in order to develop skills for working with these Data Science Tools. With the tools hosted in the cloud on Skills Network Labs, you will be able to test each tool and follow instructions to run simple code in Python, R, or Scala. Towards the end the course, you will create a final project with a Jupyter Notebook. You will demonstrate your proficiency preparing a notebook, writing Markdown, and sharing your work with your peers....

Top reviews


Aug 14, 2022

I love the detailing of every aspect of this course. The Labs, the free subscriptions and free trials provided by IBM Skills Network, everything has been so amazing. Thank you Coursera, thank you IBM.


Apr 17, 2023

the best course for the beginner who is going to start his data science journey. This course tells you all options like tools, libraries, programming languages, etc. Highly recommended for beginners.

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401 - 425 of 4,631 Reviews for Tools for Data Science

By Ekwoge E B

Jun 10, 2019

This course help open a very broad area of tools to use for Data Science I had no idea even existed. I am thrilled and motivated to work on this even more

By Maria N L

May 16, 2019

Excellent introduction to basic open source tools used in data science; however, the content needs updating since the UI of IBM Watson Studio has changed.

By Raíssa B T

Mar 3, 2020

I liked very much the content. I know is an easy course, but I'd like to see more of what can be done, the languages etc. Thanks IBM for all this effort!

By Muhamma S

Feb 21, 2020

This is very useful course because I am only know the tool like juypter notebook , but course tells me about other tools like zepline , R studio , Amzing

By Jorge A C C

Nov 30, 2019

Muy recomendable, me encanto la oportunidad de poder hacer uso del Jupyter, Zeppelin, R en los entornos como el Skill Network Labs y el IBM Watson Studio

By Mayank A

Jan 24, 2019

This course of Open source tools for data science was very helpful in knowing about the tools and technologies which are used in data science techniques.

By Avoaja U c

Dec 13, 2018

Very informative course, It offers a gentle introduction to machine learning. And IBM has provided tools worth thousands of dollars for free to learners.

By Rama C S

Oct 4, 2020

Very informative, organically designed, and has useful lab work to make a great start. I particularly liked the crisp content along with precise videos.

By Daniels E C

May 13, 2019

This was informative. I like the tools, as my computers usually can't hold many programs. Some courses are too focused on softskills. This was tangible.

By M. M R

Jun 25, 2020

This course taught me how to create Jupiter notebook and use it, very helpful as I'm just a beginner and don't know how to use Jupiter notebooks before

By François J

Sep 23, 2019

Nice overview of tools available. Regarding the usefullness and the power of the IBM Cloud i wish we would have digged much mor einto their solutions.

By Muluken K A

Sep 10, 2022

Excellent course work. it can students and researchers to master data science easly. the materials provided and teaching methodologies are very good.

By Israel S S

Jul 25, 2019

Great course! I learned the generalities of the tools available to start studying data science. And I had the opportunity to build a practical example

By Mohamed F

Dec 24, 2018

This course is really good and give basic ideas about various data science tools viz Jupyter notebook, zeppelin, R Studio IDE, IBM Watson Studio etc.,

By Nevin

Apr 12, 2023

I enjoyed learning this course. It gives you a wholistic image of the underlying structures, processes and tools that are essential for data science.

By Hasibul I

May 13, 2020

This is an amusing course that helps to learn about how to the tools that's needed for data analysing ,data visulazition, in a word for data science.

By Sneha R

May 2, 2020

I got the chance to actually use open source tools like Jupyter Notebook, Zeppelin, RStudio on IBM Watson Studio. The overall experience was Awesome!

By Olaoluwa I

Jul 30, 2022

This course touches everything and more. It has all you need to know about the tools you'd be working with as a Data Scientist. Great course indeed.

By Anwar E E E

Dec 18, 2021

Very interesting for beginners and it expose the learner to streams of tools that can use in the areas of DS, AI and ML. I had enjoyed it very much.

By Julien D

Jun 28, 2020

I really liked this course. I had no problems at all. I also liked Romeo Keinzler. But, I think this should be labeled an Intermediate level course.

By Anar A

May 11, 2020

Very interesting because most of the course based on practical. We started to use 4 different data science platform free and practice. Thanks a lot.

By Abigail B

Jan 6, 2020

This provides a succinct and brief overview of some of the biggest open source software out there, including Python, RStudio, and Jupyter Notebooks.

By Agnieszka K

Nov 5, 2019

Very cool course introducing you to open source environment where you can analyse your data sets, learn and practice, and deliver as data scientist.

By Etta Q

May 4, 2019

A great material to get familiar with Watson studio, which combine many kinds of languages. IBM cloud is also a good place to hands-on your project.

By Conor C

Feb 20, 2024

Very useful, layout could be more clear, i.e., which modules to begin and progress through numerically. Some modules are more advanced than others.